When Alan awoke, he felt refreshed and lucid once again. He immediately called Varig, TAM, and UniWorld airline shuttles, but none of them had available that day the leg from […]
Richard Straws
Future Jau, Part 5
The jaú floated virtually motionless, calmly anesthetized in the lab’s circular aquarium. Alan gazed with admiration at the powerful catfish, which nature had sculptured and adapted over eons of time. […]
Future Jau, Part 4
Getting permission to capture fish in the Satobra or purchase specialized ichthyocides would never come, at least not during the time Alan was still in the country. There was no […]
Future Jau, Part 3
Much of the Pantanal remained frontier. Its harsh climate of high summer temperatures and seasonal flooding, and its poor soil, made for few noteworthy settlements. Cattle and ecotourism remained the […]
Future Jau, Part 2
It was two days later when Alan saw the jaú again. This time it was evening, and he was in his field research laboratory reviewing the recordings. The research lab […]
Future Jau, part 1
Dr. Alan Butler lifted his sunglasses, used the back of his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and stared at the monitor. The dorado was still doing nothing. […]
Running with the Curimbata, part 6 (final section)
Heading out on one’s own. To get a true experience of fishing in foreign waters, I recommend leaving the comfort of having a guide and boldly venturing out on one’s […]
Running with the Curimbata, part 5
Insect Repellent Depending on where and when you fish, coating one’s skin with insect repellent may or may not be an important consideration. Fishing in Wisconsin in January through a […]
Running with the Curimbata, part 4
Get a Good Guide Given the above, it should be obvious that when one first enters foreign waters, it’s helpful to have a good fishing guide. A fishing guide knows […]